I'm sick. I'm not dying...
yet, but I feel
so icky. My chest hurts, my throat is killing me, my head feels like it might blow up any minute and I have had a nasty flemy cough for the past two days that makes me want to throw up. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
So, what do you do when you are a stay at home mom to a 1 and 2 year old, your husband won't be home until 10pm and you have no sick days? Well, I'm no professional
but here are a few things that have worked for me...
*Keep everyone in jammies -
all day long. You're not going anywhere anyways so you might as well skip the whole precess of getting anyone dressed. This also helps at bedtime when you are all in pjs already. Combing hair or brushing anyones teeth is also not necessary...don't worry, you'll do it tomorrow.

*Try convincing child that they may also not be feeling that great. Make it fun and exciting by making up a little "sick bed" on the floor and allowing them to watch a movie.

*Load up on lots and lots of meds.

Alright, I am actually not doing this one since I am still nursing Braden. I am trying to take as few pills as possible, but my head feels like a tornado. Anyone have any good semi-natural cures for this?
*And if all else fails...go to your Mom's house so she can make soup for you and your kids.

Bad phone picture, but there's my Mama making me some creamy chicken noodle soup with dumplings today! Thanks Mom! :)
i can 100% relate. and i LOVE the sick-bed idea! sick or not, we rock the jams like nobody's business around here! what an awesome mama you have, there, too! i so hope you feel loads better SUPER soon!
I'm so sorry. I hate cold...almost worse than the flu. Almost.
I hope the chicken soup works wonders. Praying for calm babies for you the next few days.
I am sorry you are sick. We do the jammie thing too, and the mom thing, oh, and the movie thing. It's really hard when your kids are this age, hang in there. For the stuffy head, when I was nursing my girls, my midwife said it was safe to use Afrin Nasal Spray, as that would help with the congestion, without affecting them or drying up my milk, now that was a while ago, my youngest is 8 years old. I would call the clinic in the AM or an all night pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist. Hope you feel better soon...
Oh no...i know it stinks when mommy is sick. Me and the kids were just talking about that the other day how I never get sick. I told them I just can't...who would take care of them if I got sick. Lord keep us moms healthy. Saying a prayer my friend. Feel better soon.
Mom's are the best. I hope you feel better! Soon!
I've definitely tried convincing Aidyn in the past when I'm sick it's a PJ and movie day. :)
I felt bad enough this morning to stay home from work too. Tis' the season. Hope you feel better soon.
how blessed you are to have your mom nearby.
sending you healing prayers!
You are never too old to need your mommy! I am the same way! :) My mom may drive me batty but I like when she is around to make me feel better.
I hope you start feeling better soon!!! How nice that you have your mom nearby to help you out!! :)
Your Welcome Baby Girl...
Praying both you and your Big Brother get better soon!!
I am sorry you are sick. As mommies we don't get sick days.
Just wanted to say LOVE YOUR BLOG and your little Monkeys name....
Yeah! Grandma to the rescue!!
Hope you are feeling better ASAP!! I know how crummy it can be... it never fails that me or one (or all) of the kids gets sick the day Chad leaves for his big hunting trip.
Oh well.
Get better soon!
Sorry you feel bad but that was a cute post...
So sorry to hear you are sick. I know how you feel about your mom. My mom has been sick and I told her if she gave it to me she would have to come take care of me. Nobody can take care of you like your mom. Your kids are adorable.
We hope you are feeling better already! Rest rest rest!
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