I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks ago but I'm just now getting around to "scrap booking " our trip to the MN State Fair. We actually went on a great day this year. Matt took a couple days off for our trip to the Dells so we were able to go in the middle of the week versus a weekend...makes a huge difference! Also, usually when we go it seems to be close to if not in the 90s and it's just so hot and icky with about a million people all around. The day we went I don't think it got into the 80s, ahhhh relief! :) It seems like we didn't even do a lot of stuff there this year, no going into all the buildings or exhibits or anything like that...which honestly is fine with me. The second we walked in the big gates Matt was scoping out a Cheese Curds stand, I am pretty sure that he would be completely happy just going there to get those. So after we finally found them Matt was set and decided we should then hit up the barns. Wanna know my least favorite part of any fair? The barns! I am not a country girl and can't stand the smell of animals and, well, their poop...and when there's about 200 pigs in a non air conditioned barn, it gets bad. However, I knew Alexa and Braden would love them so we headed over to the swine barn to check out the "largest pig" which I still am not sure was alive, he was huge...and smelly. We also saw a mommy with about 15 little piglets running around and eating and that was cute.

After that Alexa was so ready to hit the rides. Some of her favorites were the bumper boats...
And the swings.

But the all time favorite this year was the Giant Slide! Matt and I took turns going down with her and I think if wasn't for the fact that it was $4 each time we would have spent the rest of the day there. Of all the times I have gone to the fair I don't think I ever went down this slide before, not sure why though because it is the coolest thing ever. I wish we had one in our back yard. And seriously, whoever invented this thing was a genius and has got to have a lot of money!
What great pictures. I love Braden's little foot up on the tray. Why do kids love to do that? Do you edit your pictures?
We were at a wedding last Saturday and they played this version of Somewhere over the Rainbow. Doug leans over and say, "this is the one on Laura's blog right?" And he says he's not addicted to blogs. :)
LOVE the sleeping pictures on the way home... and the rest are just awesome!! You guys are the cutest family EVER!
Those little pig hats are too sweet. I totally want one. THink I would look silly wearing one to the grocery store?
That does look like so much fun. Loving the bare piggie toes. So sweet. That slide looks awesome. $4 a ride...that person is super rich!
thanks so much for your thoughts and kind words. It was so fun to see your pics from the MN state fair, it has been years since we have been there. Looks like you all had a great time.
LUCKY! We dont have anything like that around here! Cute pictures! You guys are all so beautiful!
now look @ that, you all make the fair look like loads of fun! and what great pictures! oh and i totally feel ya on the barns...not for this girl either. blech! ;)
You have such a beautiful family. I love the picture of you and your daughter!! She's your little mini-me. :)
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