This past weekend was
Lumberjack Days in Stillwater. (You know, the town we
wished we lived in...) :) Anyway, it was a perfect weekend for it with great weather. We got up and ready and got there early, even before all the fun stuff was open. We walked around for awhile and watched some of the races. Does anyone else get choked up watching these or is it just me? I don't know why but I seriously can't watch a race without shedding a tear. I think it steams from watching the
Ironman and how they tell all these sad stories or the participants or who they are running for or why they are running. It's just so heart wrenching. And there was this one year when there was like a 80 something year old man who was out doing the swimming part ALL day long and refused to give up but when he got back to shore the time limit to finish that section of the race was over hours ago so they had to tell him he couldn't go onto the biking part. Cried. No wait.
That's so not where I was going with this.
Anyway, we had time to kill and finally 10:00am rolled around and we got Alexa a wristband for all the bouncy things. That's right.
Unlimited amounts of sliding, bouncing and climbing. It's like we were guaranteed a good night sleep. (For the record, there was no sleeping in...not even a day of complete exhaustion can get our little girl to stay in bed past 6am.) However she did have a complete blast. It took a couple times down the (3 story tall) bouncy slide to get into it and even Daddy had to go a few times but after that she was in heaven! We were literally running from one to another. After awhile we decided to get home for lunch and a nap. When everyone was up and rejuvenated we headed back for more fun.
Braden didn't get to go on any rides, but he had fun just watching everyone and crawling all over the place. I can't wait until next year for him, he will be able to all the cool stuff. Here's Matt and Braden chillin...I know I'm kind of biased, but I think they are the two cutest guys I have ever seen! :)
After a LONG day on Saturday we relaxed for most of Sunday morning at home. We went for a walk and played outside and then decided to do something really silly like skip nap time to go to the parade. Just kidding, we already knew that was going to happen and it actually went well. We try to get Alexa a nap most days but it's nice that's she's old enough to skip it here and there if need be and not be a complete mess.
Matt, Alexa and Auntie Shari collecting candy. I should have took a picture of the sickening amount of candy that Alexa got...and she doesn't even try
that hard to get it. I think it helped that we were not directly by any other little kids so she got a little spoiled by the candy throwers. The people at Matt's work should be pretty excited! :)
Alexa's favorite parts: dancing to the music from the floats and waving to the princesses (besides eating candy of course.)
Braden had his very first sucker and
loved it! It was kind of funny...he was getting a little fussy as we were going on hour number
3 of the parade so we decided to give him one. I unwrapped it and put it in his hand and he was just playing with it so I tried putting it in his mouth and he acted like I was trying to poison him or something...until he got a taste, then he realized all was well in the world! :)
Alexa too...although there was no forcing her! :)
Those are the cutest shades ever!! I wish I would have known about the bounce thinger. Could adults go too?? That would have been way fun!! Glad you guys had a fun weekend:)
What a fun time. You all are always staying so busy and doing so many fun things. I love it. Cute cute pics.
Whoa. We so need to go tot hat with you next year!!!
Great pictures!
Thanks for visiting me via "I Am Mommy" - and for your kind words :-) To get less lost, you may want to check out some of my older posts for more background - then again....let me see if I can sum it up: cheeseballs, Jack Donaghy, McFlurries, Atlases, Sardinia, Tiny Tumbleweed houses, chigger bites and bromances. That about covers it!
carma (not of the smackaho tribe)
That looks like so much fun. I really admire the way you go and do so much stuff in your local area. I know I overlook so much. I need to just get in there. :)
I also love the way you left your little tangent in the post. I can so relate. And yes, that's why I don't watch Ironman competitions. Well that and the obvious reasons.
Good times. Poor Braden, looks like he's so tired and strung out on candy! It's was a long hot day in the sun, that's for sure.
Your children are so darn cute!! I can't get over your little girls sunglasses! It looks like you all had a ton of fun :)
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