You are growing up so fast. The past few weeks we have noticed such a change in you, you're becoming a big boy. You are getting more and more fun each day! Your personality is really starting to shine and we love it.
You are growing up so fast. The past few weeks we have noticed such a change in you, you're becoming a big boy. You are getting more and more fun each day! Your personality is really starting to shine and we love it.
Crawl all over the place - on your hands and knees.
Pull up on everything.
Walk around holding on to the furniture.
Stand by yourself for a few seconds.
Shake your head if you hear the word 'no'
Do "so big"
Love playing peek-a-boo.
Just started putting you finger in your nose...on purpose.
Wave and clap.
You have 4 teeth.
Talk all the time.
Love to yell because you can.
Very ticklish.
You laugh a lot...
Especially at Alexa.
Love books and balls.
You complain when you don't get what you want.
You are still a huge Mama's boy.
Love taking baths.
You put everything in your mouth.
Go to sleep about 8pm.
Wake up between 6-7am.
Take 2 naps a day - about 1 1/2-2 hours each.
You still nurse - 3 times a day.
Love to feed yourself.
Can very quickly crawl up the stairs.
Also starting to go down them.
You are almost 27 pounds.
Your hair is turning very blond, and long.
Bawhhh (ball)
bah-bah (bye-bye)
One more month until you turn one year old. Amazing. I can't believe how fast it has gone. As much as I would love to wrap you up and keep you at this age forever, I can't wait to watch you grow up and keep learning new things. We are loving every minute of it!
Love you forever,
so sweet! he is darling!
oh and funny twitter comment about Target and back to school stuff! haha! i also loved what A said about your family! so precious!
He IS getting big. What a little cutie. I agree he is at one of the best ages.
Happy 11 month birthday Braden!!!
I love you Baby Guy!!
(I also LOVE that Picture Laura...)
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