Alexa got this little princess table for her birthday.
She loves it.
Braden loves it.
They eat breakfast and lunch at it almost every day.

I can't get over how adorable they look sitting there chowing away.

not so cute.
(Okay it actually is, but no so much when I need to scrub the floor 3 times a day.)

super cute.

I love when Braden sits with his legs crossed.
And his bed head, way too adorable.

I know...poor little guy sitting at a pink princess table drinking out of a pink sippy cup.
Maybe I should at least cut his hair? :)
Alexa is such a ham for the camera these days, man. Thanks for having lunch with me today! Cute pictures. =)
I love the table. I almost want one so I can have equally adorable pictures.
P.S. We've determined our sons our almost exactly the same age, how old is your daughter? Mine will be 3 at the end of the month.
They are too cute! I miss em!
haha...too precious! I love Braden's little chunky monkey legs! :) Alexa has the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen!
How cute are they? My sons have a kid sized picnic table they eat at when we dine outside. They love things that are just the right size!
There's just something so cute about seeing kids in child sized furniture. I love it!
Nope...leave everything. They are adorable and I adore how happy they always are together. Love those sweet rolls you baby boy has. CUTE.
Super super cute! I love that you are getting all these shots on your camera.
Do you think you'll make your blog into a book?
they are both so cute! Lauren has that same table and she loves it. She has her daddy sit at it with her all the time. At least it is Braden's size! can you imagine my husband sitting at it!! CRACKS ME UP!!!
so cute.. i8 just cut cadens hair yesterday! he looks like a little boy now! lol
So cute! My kids love to eat at their little table too.
Way cute! They look so adorable sitting at the Princess table! Love the last pic and your comment under it, too funny!
My Babies are so cute no matter WHERE they are...even Braden in the midst of all that pink. (Auntie Shari is home now...haha)
Look at Alexa's face in the first pic! She's so in love with her princess table!
And Braden's face in the last pic says it all... "I like pink... deal with it" hehe They're so cute!
This is so cute! We had a little table like this, not pink, that my kids loved to sit at and use all the time. Love the pictures of your children. Very cute!
Oh, they are so cute! I could just gobble up those chubby little legs. Isn't it amazing how much of a mess those little kiddos can make. I find food literally everywhere. My kids have a McQueen table like this and love to sit at, eat and color. Thanks for sharing your adorable little kids with us!
Wonderful pics! They are both just precious kiddos. Alexa looks like she would be the best big sister!! :) Hope you have a good valentines day weekend
Awww I love his belly, and his chubby legs. So cute.
That is so cute! I love the little chubby baby legs!! Funny that my legs look the same...but not so cute!
Love the pics. I have been thinking about getting one of these tables so I am glad to find that your little ones use it so much : )
these are so cute. My girls used to have, well, they still do, they just don't fit at it anymore, a table like this. I have such fond memories of them eating at that little table. Enjoy this time, they grow up SO fast. !
I love how Braden just goes along with everything. He seems like a very agreeable dude :-)
oh my gosh, HOW do you even handle all of that cuteness everyday!? they are seriously adorable. and that last picture of braden? getoutoftown. the bed head? the chubby legs? so cute!
Oh my chubby leg cuteness! I want another baby! Oh, wait. At least one is on the way. I hope she's good and chubby. :)
It's so neat to see the kids play together like that. It seems so long ago that Ty and Becca were that little. *Sigh.* *Sniff*
You do a great job taking pictures of the little things. I love it!
Yea I'm super late catching up & enjoy reading & leaving comments so you'll see a few of these today! :)
I absolutley LOVE that last picture, so cute!
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