We had a pretty productive day today, which is kind of amazing for us.
First of all...we (finally) joined a gym!!
I am super pumped about it.
The obvious reason of course is that I am hoping this helps get my butt in gear with getting healthier and working out regularly. Losing 20 pounds would be a huge bonus. :)
Also, I think it will be really good for Braden. He is majorly attached to me (which I love!!) but sometimes he just freaks if I'm not around or holding him. He has never had to be in daycare and basically is with me all day every day which could be part of the problem. So I'm hoping that spending some time with other adults and kids will help that out a little bit.
And we plan on spending some major time in the pool there. One of my biggest fears is kids around water so I am big on swimming lessons...early and often. Today we already went and all hung out in the pool for awhile. Alexa could pretty much live there, she even calls herself Ariel. I totally think she could pull it off. :)
Tonight we went to my brother and SIL's house and all got hair cuts.
I didn't leave crying, but I could have.
You see I have this major problem of letting things go. Old jeans that are full of holes, all the pictures and scribbles my kids make, a broken frame I swear I will someday fix and now apparently my kids hair is on the list too. Alexa has never had her hair cut. Every time we go I say, okay maybe this time we can just do it, chop it off and give her a cute bob. Nope.
I'm clearly the same way about Braden's hair too. He has had one haircut and I actually did cry that time!
So lately we have noticed little things like his hair in his eyes, the starting of a mullet and people calling him a girl.
Ugh. Fine. I get it.
Let me remind you of Braden's hair before...
First of all...we (finally) joined a gym!!
I am super pumped about it.
The obvious reason of course is that I am hoping this helps get my butt in gear with getting healthier and working out regularly. Losing 20 pounds would be a huge bonus. :)
Also, I think it will be really good for Braden. He is majorly attached to me (which I love!!) but sometimes he just freaks if I'm not around or holding him. He has never had to be in daycare and basically is with me all day every day which could be part of the problem. So I'm hoping that spending some time with other adults and kids will help that out a little bit.
And we plan on spending some major time in the pool there. One of my biggest fears is kids around water so I am big on swimming lessons...early and often. Today we already went and all hung out in the pool for awhile. Alexa could pretty much live there, she even calls herself Ariel. I totally think she could pull it off. :)
Tonight we went to my brother and SIL's house and all got hair cuts.
I didn't leave crying, but I could have.
You see I have this major problem of letting things go. Old jeans that are full of holes, all the pictures and scribbles my kids make, a broken frame I swear I will someday fix and now apparently my kids hair is on the list too. Alexa has never had her hair cut. Every time we go I say, okay maybe this time we can just do it, chop it off and give her a cute bob. Nope.
I'm clearly the same way about Braden's hair too. He has had one haircut and I actually did cry that time!
So lately we have noticed little things like his hair in his eyes, the starting of a mullet and people calling him a girl.
Ugh. Fine. I get it.
Let me remind you of Braden's hair before...
Notice how soft it looks and how blonde it is.
This is what it looks like now...
Next thing you know he's going to be dating.
HA! Just kidding, that's a good 35 years away. :)
He still looks super cute!
Alexa's never ever? Not even an inch?
I guess I almost have no idea what long hair is all about on a girl!
Some day though right?
Congrats on the gym!
Okay...first, lemme say...TWENTY pounds?!!!! You'll be nothin' but skin and bones!
And, second...wow. He totally did grow up! Isn't that so sad? How one stinkin' little hair cut can change them from babies to toddlers just. like. that?!
Hugs to you, my friend!
He's so adorable-- either way!! It does make him look older but he'll always be your baby. :)
girl, you would blow away if you dropped 20 pounds! but it *is* exciting that you joined a gym! i'll get there...someday. ;)
and i LOVE his hair cut! i loved it long too, but he totally looks all grown up and so so handsome!
happy valentine's day! oh and ps. cannot WAIT to get together this week!
So, did you happen to join the Hudson YMCA? Email me if you did mpbixler@baldwin-telecom.net . I belong to that one, and I'd love to meet you once in a while to work out. I am in desperate need of working out...I need something to keep me motivated...working out with friends usually works! :)
Good for you joining a gym...it will be very good for everyone. We loved the pool at our gym. Cute haircut. They always look older when they get their hair cut. *sigh*
love the hair cut, he looks like such a little man now. He's so cute. Funny how a hair cut can make little ones look so much older. Congrats on joining the gym. I agree with you about water safey/swimming. We have had our girls in swimming lessons since they were 9 months old-started with mom and me classes, and moved up from there. Swimming lessons are a great thing...Have a good day!
He looks so old again...little man!! (We'll have to add that to his list of nicknames)
You didn't cut Alexa's hair did you??? I mean besides her bangs...
He's adorable!!! I think he still looks like a baby, don't worry!!!
I know how you feel.. I was the same way with caden.. he needed a hair cut bad! I told the lady i just want a trim, i wanted to keep his cute little curles in the back, but i dont want a mullet, the she was cutting his hair to where it looked like he had a mohawk and it was realy cute on him so i had her cut his hair to where i can give him a little mohawk.. It is sad when there first hair cuts instantly make them look older and different! I was a little mad at the lady because at supercuts they save a lock of hair and put it on a first hair cut card for you to put in your baby book and she so forgot to do that! agg... Bradens hair looks adorable, and still blonde..lol
Nice haircut! Looks very cute.
I have yet to cut my boys' hair, and I normally buzz it all off. LoL
Sounds like a perfect evening!
My son was the same way. I couldn't even leave him with my hubby! He would scream. I use to sneak out of the house, meaning, my hubby would take Michael to another part of the house and I would just leave and get done what I had to do. But when I came home, he would look at me and start crying realizing he was tricked.
The gym and pool sounds like fun!
Oh. My. Goodness. I'd cry too. It's good though. It's so fun to have the growing up and independent. I miss them being babies sometimes, but big is so much fun. :)
Becca didn't get her first hairtrim (I wasn't brave enough to do a cut) until she was almost four. This year she wanted it cut to her jaw. Boohoo! That was a sad day.
You are crazy for trying to lose weight. I totally get the fit and out of the house thing, but weight loss. You gotta be kidding. What's the use anyway if you're going to have another baby. (Right, Matt?)
I refused to cut Sawyer's hair too... until 3 people in one day told me I had a cute little girl! Braden looks super cute though! All grown up or not!
Oh, look at that cutie pie!!! Love the big boy haircut. Don't worry mama, he's still just a baby :-)
Awwww...what great pictures. He does look more "sophisticated" for an 18 month old!
Ben's hair is so curly right now I'm afraid to cut it. But, he is looking more like a girl with his long locks! Sigh. Someday.
wow Mama! That is quite the haircut! I wouldn't have blamed you one bit if you would have cried. I would have too. I wanted to cry when we got Lauren's cut and it was just a trim!!!
Our Valentine's day was just about as romantic as yours. My husband would have been stoked if we were watching cops. I HATE that show!!! HE loves it. Oh well!
That first boy cut is the hardest. My son (has) had curly hair. I kept his curls. But oh how I cried to see them go. Braden looks very handsome!
I love the cut!! But he does look like a little handsome man now!
And yay for the gym. I wish our gym had a pool- we might have gone more!
Love the Ariel comment! =) I was SOOOO Sad when we cut off the cute blond curls my baby boy had... ;) It broke my heart! but he was so cute as a big boy too! such a love hate thing! Happy Exercising!
I am the exact same way about parting with things. I always think I can find a use for something and save most every picture my kids color for me. Change is never an easy thing but the best thing about hair is it always grows back. I have embraced that for myself and now my kids only Audrey is challenged in the hair growing department. Braden's new hair cut looks very cute and no worries... I am sure the blond will be back as soon as the summer sun returns!
Braden looks so handsome with his new haircut!! I cried the first time Dewayne took Kobe to get his haircut. Kobe had curls down to his shoulders and came back with a short haircut :o( I cried so hard and apologized to Kobe for a week about his hair being cut off....I don't think Kobe minded though LOL.
I'm also partial to longer hair for boys. Braden does look like a handsome banker now though!! (kidding)
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