Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. ~Author Unknown
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb
There's no place like home except Grandma's. ~Author Unknown
Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. ~Marcy DeMaree

The Greatest gift God gave us for being a Mom was becoming a Grandmother. ~Mary Kappes
The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent. ~Sam Levenson
A garden of Love grows in a Grandmother's heart. ~Author Unknown
If your baby is "beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time," you're the grandma. ~Teresa Bloomingdale
Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of practice. ~Author Unknown
Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. ~Author Unknown

Happy Birthday Gramma!!
We love you!!
Alexa & Braden
Happy Birthday Gramma!!! Laura that was beautiful!!!
Happy birthday! Oh. My. Word. You look alike and Alexa is going to look like both of you too! How fun. :)
Happy BDay! Your kids are lucky!
Ok your mom doesn't look old enough to be a grandmother!! She looks fab.
And I see where you get your good looks from!
Ok your mom doesn't look old enough to be a grandmother!! She looks fab.
And I see where you get your good looks from!
And happy birthday Grandma!
Oaky because of the hair, I am going out on a limb and guessing she is your mom. She looks amazing....means good things for you down the road ;)
Happy birthday to her. Love all the quotes.
The third picture. Ding Ding Ding! She wins best thigh rolls EVER award! I love baby rolls- so my kids did the opposite and turned out like bean poles. Go figure.
Happy Day Grandma!
How beautiful! Great great post! =)
Just Jenn~
Holy Moly...Gramma does not look like Gramma at all. She is beautiful. Hope she has a blessed day.
I love those grandmother quotes! I want to forward it to my mom...
Happy Birthday to your beautiful mom!!!! You and Alexis look so much like her. Great pictures. You can see the love for your kiddos in her eyes!!!!
What a beautiful way to say Happy Birthday to your mom!
Via Blackberry
Awwwww I loved this post! Your mother is beautiful!
What wonderful pictures and I love the quotes!
Hope she had a wonderful day!
She is a beautiful woman. And I love LOVE that picture with baby Alexa's fat chubby legs! Soooo cute.
i am seriously crying right now! this was so sweet. happy birthday, gramma! your mom is beautiful, btw! clearly, it runs in the fam. :)
What a great post! I love all the pictures and how you complimented each of them with quotes. Your mom is beautiful, by the way .. just like you! :)
Happy Birthday Grandma!
She is very very young looking! Wow! and not htat you look old but I bet when you are together people think you are sisters don't they?
Love all the pictures!
Your mom looks incredible!!!!! You could pass for sisters. I must learn her secrets :D and I have a feeling it isn't consumption of tons of Monkey Bread...
Great post Laura! Your mom looks've got great genes! Grammas are wonderful! Happy Birthday!
So sweet! I love all the wonderful pictures of your mother (I am assuming)with the kids. So stinking cute. She is so photogenic and sure spends lots of time with your kids. That is so sweet.
Thank You Laura...that is the BEST Birthday gift any Gramma could EVER receive!!!
Love You, Matt and the kiddos forever!!!
That was beautiful! Happy Birthday Gramma! A great day to be born!! : )
Happy Birthday! What a beautiful lady!!
HOnestly? That looks like your SISTER!!! I hope your mom reads this - she is GORGEOUS!
All three of you look just alike! How beutiful you all are!! I could just squeeze little Alexa to death in those first pictures.. cutest cheeks and chunky legs ever :)
Have a great weekend (sorry I am a few days late reading!)
She looks amazing!! LOVED the quotes. Just found you through your comment!! Yes, I love seeing other red-heads too. They seem to be few and far between!!
I'm a bit late but Happy Birthday Grandma! Grandma's are so awesome and a blessing to have : ) You guys look so much alike! I am sure you hear that all the time. Hope she had a great day!
How is it your mom looks younger than me! I know where you get your beauty from!
Happy Birthday, Gramma!
What a sweet post! And your mom is so beautiful. Hard to believe she could be a Grandma :)
Aw what a sweet post! You look so much like your mom! Crazy! :)
I love the post! It's so sweet!
Grandma's are precious!
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