The other day I was talking to some girls on Twitter and could not believe that some people didn't know what
Monkey Bread was. {gasp} It's only the yummiest breakfast rolls
ever! Seriously, make them. You'll love it.
If you google monkey bread there's probably a million and a half recipes for it, crazy. But this my friends is the best. Why? Because I said so. Actually it's the only one I have had but it is
good! Besides, it's probably one of the easiest ones to make too.
Ingredients:1/2 a bag of Rhodes frozen rolls (about 18)
1 box of cook and serve butterscotch pudding (NOT instant pudding)
1 stick of butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
The night before:*Melt butter and mix with brown sugar and cinnamon

*Put the rolls in a buttered bundt cake pan. (do
not use an angel food cake pan...your oven will hate you for it)

*Sprinkle the pudding powder over the rolls.

*Then pour the butter/sugar mix over that.

*Then just leave it on your counter over night and in the morning they should look kind of like this...
(Side note: I accidentally bought instant pudding instead of the cook and serve kind. It still turned out but it definitely makes a don't make the same mistake I did) :)*Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes.
*Flip over the pan and dump the monkey bread out on a plate/tray.
*Serve and
Two words for you.
I had a recipe for this, but never made it. The pictures help. Thanks!!!!
I didn't know about monkey bread either! It looks delicious! I'd like to try it. :)
I have the same recipe. I add raisins sometimes to make them more like cinnamon buns!
never heard of it before...but I am now drooling!
That looks better than the recipe I have. The one I've used is premade biscuits and cinnamon + sugar + butter. It's yummy, but yeast rolls look so much better.
I love monkey bread! I don't need it, but now I am going to make some.
And I have used a angel food pan before, so I know exactly what you mean!
Oh THANK YOU! My Mom makes a recipe VERY similar . . . plus I love new uses for Rhodes dinner rolls!
Monkey Bread is sooooo good! My sister and I were at a bagel shop today and they were selling it. It was so tempting!!
Good Job Laura...It looks WONDERFUL!!!
I should have come down that way for breakfast this morning I guess huh?
Love You
I am so jealous..I love that stuff and have never made it. I totally need to try. It is so yummy.
Yummy! I will so be giving this a try :)
I am going to make some of this! How funny are we?
Love ya birthday sister!
Oh, that is so sweet how your Gramma commented on here!
Great pics! This looks so delish! I want some now! I'm on my way over, K??? He he he.
ummm fabulous?? I've never heard of this before either and now I'm upset and all the years I wasted that I could've been eating this.
Oh my goodness that looks so yummy!
I have had monkey bread before and even made it but never that way. I love that recipe! What flavor of pudding did you use?
Totally forgot the kind of pudding, duh! Butterscotch! :)
never heard of this - but I'm about ready to run out in the ice and purchase the ingredients - plus, I even have a bundt pan - whoo-hoooo - I think I've only used it once in 16 years.
I swear I just turned to my son and said we need to make this - have you ever heard of Monkey Bread - and he said that when he was sledding yesterday one of the neighbor's kids said she was going in to eat Monkey Bread. this is an omen. I MUST MAKE IT.
I love, love, love monkey bread but have never attempted to make it. I think I must now. This looks delish!!!
That look soooo easy and more importantly- SO GOOD!!! I could eat that whole thing. :)
I am totally taking this recipe! THanks for posting! I LOVE monkey bread - and just came across a recipe for it that tasted all wrong. THis one sounds ALL right!!! Yummy!!!
Man, I never get any monkey bread anymore! >(
Yummy, I love monkey bread, I haven't made it in forever, my gran and great gran use to make it religiously, looks like I will have to get the pan out, yours looks delish!
*gasp* I was one of those living in the dark- not knowing about Monkey Bread! So awful for you but so yummy! I googled it and came up with so many recipes! This was looks so yummy!!
I LOVE monkey bread. I'm going to have to make it for my guys one of these days.
I have never had monkey bread but I am SO going to have to try it now! looks awesome!
I love monkey bread, haven't made it in while, will have to do that this weekend...thanks for the reminder. It's so yummy!
huh...I never put the pudding in mine and i always used biscuit dough. so cool to see it another way! i am gonna half to try it. i'm like drooling all over my keyboard right now! how have i never heard of this!? you are my hero.
I always buy it, but have never made it. Time to try. Thanks for the recipe!
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