*The way Alexa crawls into bed with me in the mornings, pulls Matt's pillow right next to me and cuddles. It makes mornings a million times better.
*Or the way Braden blows kisses.
*How much fun the kids have in the bath tub together...and the huge water messes they make.
*The way Braden gives 'knuckles' to everyone he meets.
*And the look on his face when we went through the car wash.
*And how lovey she has been lately.
*Finally, I never want to forget the fun my kids have together, even doing the simplest things like playing in the cupboard. The laughter I hear from them is the best sound in the world!!
So cute! My fav what we call the "wash kosh"!
Aww..I love it!! That was so sweet!
Aww what a beautiful post!
I love the car wash picture- price less! and I love that she wears a tutu daily, thats awesome! You have two beautiful children- your a lucky mommy =]
Oh, what memories! The pictures will help you remember. But, be sure to write things down, too! Because, the truth is, sometimes you do forget...it's nice to look back and jog your memory...
Great post!! Love the "spicy" comment!
Madison says Happy Mothers Day to me quite often too! So odd but I will take it!
I too have a mama's boy and there is nothing like it!
I am also always thinking how great my kids play together and love eachother. I hope it always like this. I am an only child and I am so happy that these two have eachother to go through life with!
Great memories! Reminds me a lot of my house!
Oh, what a sweet post!
Look at Alexa's beautiful red hair! She looks so proud wearing her tutu.
Oh, and my 20 month old is a total mama's boy! But my favorite is the look on his face in the car wash! Priceless.
That was a cute post.. had me laughing a little.. kids are the BEST! And ouch... a UTI? I used to get them all the time before i had kids... NO fun at all!! Honestly though how can you tell if your child has one when they cant really communicate? thats scary..
Awwwww! Happy Mother's Day every day? I wouldn't want to forget that either. Your kids are so sweet.
awww! this post is priceless!!
Indeed, always remember these moments.
Ahh! Love this post. :) LOL @ "spicy" and so many other things. I love that you captured his expression during the car wash, too! Ha!
Aww..lovely post. Enjoy your little ones. They grow up so fast!
Love the car wash face! Precious!
precious post!! I love alexa saying the potty was spicy! That is too funny! Braden blowing kisses is ohh so sweet as well :)
Beutiful kiddos you have girl! Thanks for sharing the pics
What a sweet post. You have some of the cutest kids on the planet!
I can't believe how long Alexa's hair is. I remember when Becca let me have her hair long like that. She was three, almost four, when I finally cut it.
Can you get a video of Braden saying woohoo? I would love to hear it. Just thinking about it makes me smile.
Tears, tears, tears. This is fabulous!
What a super sweet post. I love this. I hope that you never forget either. Precious.
Or that "Posh" is a fancy word for "Fancy"! What's a UTI?
could alexa's hair be lovelier?
or braden's face in the car wash be more priceless?
looks like you were a happy mama when you wrote this post (maybe i should do this some time?).
Those are awesome memories and so very priceless! What a great post! Made me remember when my girls where young, and I miss those days, but also love every phase with them (okay the super sassy one I could have done without, and yes, we still have the teen years)...I better stop I am starting to scare myself. Just kidding!
What fun you must have everyday! :) The car wash picture cracked me up b/c my daughter has the same face during it! LOL
So very sweet. My oldest is 9, and I have forgotten some of the "I'm always going to remember this" moments. It really makes me sad, and more motivated to get scrapbooking!
What a great post! I love it :o)
What a wonderful post! I laughed out loud at Braden's car wash face.
beautiful kids! thanks for sharing your memories
beautiful kids! thanks for sharing your memories
LOVE this post!
Thank you for changing your background ;-)
Jordan love giving knuckles to us (we call it a fist bump) and now when she wants to do it, she holds out her fist and goes CHEERS!
That is so adorable Laura! My kids also say woohoo when they want my attention and I'm not around. And gotta love the "Tupperware" cupboard!
Love this post and love your kids! Miss you!
Aw, the momma's boy pic is sooo sweet!
Ha about that carwash. H freaked out when I took him to a carwash. These are all precious sweet moments. ♥
I have the same look on my face when we go through a car wash. So I don't go through them anymore! I refuse. I get out and wait. Silly.
My children are 17 and 12 and I often think back to what it was like when they were little. My son use to hang on to my clothing and follow me everywhere. I once told my hubby that Michael was doing this and I don't think he really understood till he came home from work one night and I was at the kitchen sink and Michael was standing behind me holding onto my shirt and sucking his thumb.
Very sweet pictures of your children. They're adorable!!!
Awww I love it- and your son and mine are destined to be friends, because T also gives knuckles(pounds) to every single person he meets including the dogs, babies, old people- it cracks me up especially with the older crowd they just look at him like "what are you doing??"
The car wash pic is pricless. Love the pictures!!
all wonderful things to cherish always!
Oh hon I love this post! These "little" everyday things are the reason that I started blogging. I never ever wanted to forget them!
Hope you're doing well!!!! and your dad is doing okay. I'm trying to get back into the blogging world :)
Alexa...Great JOB on the Pig!! You SHOULD be proud of it!!! I'm proud of YOU!!
And Braden Buddy...I've NEVER seen your eyes that BIG!!! :O)
Blowing kisses and tutu's...what a wonderful life!!! I'm so blessed to be a part of it!!!
Love it!! What fun memories!
holy crap, i love this post! i'm near tears here! you're like basically my hero, mama. for reals.
I love this post!
My favorite would be Ryan loving the number 5 and cuddling in the morning while watching Blues Clues.
I love how there is more toys than water in that tub! :)
I love this post!! B's face in the car wash is the funniest thing ever. Lauren has that pink princess table and I have the same pots and pans as you!
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