1. What's your "comfort food"?
Hmmm, I don't really have a comfort food, or maybe I just can't think of one right now. BUT I do love salt. If I had to choose between a big fat candy bar and a bag of salty potato chips, I would hands down take the chips, YUM! No, seriously I won't even have them in our house or they would be gone within the day.
2. Do you send Thank Yous (handwritten or email)?
For sure!! It's not that I love doing it or anything but I think it is the polite thing to do. I'm sure I have missed some along the way but for the most part I almost always do. Except for Christmas, then I don't. But even for the kid's birthdays I always write out thank yous...boy can I not wait until they can do that themselves!
3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Why is this question so hard for me? Hmmmm.....I don't know. Okay, since I am on this health and fitness thing (even though I have never seen the show before) I am going to say Biggest Loser. What could be better than trainers and chiefs and whoever else whipping your butt in shape? So that's my answer, I would like to go die of exhaustion on the Biggest Loser.
4. What is you favorite online recipe site?
Don't have one. I'm more of a cook book kind of girl. Okay that's a lie, I'm more of a do it my own way kind of girl...you know, just add what you think sounds good. If I do want to look something up I just google it and take the first one on the list. Am I missing out? What are some good recipe sites?
5. If you had to choose: Friends or Seinfeld?
Easiest question EVER! Friends, Friends, FRIENDS!! I love Friends. I honestly watch reruns every night from 10 to 11. I have seen every episode probably at least 5 times each and I still laugh every single time. I hope they never ever go away. Oh how I wish they would do a movie!
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! :)
I can't believe you've never seen the biggest loser..I almost picked it..but um, just so I could exercise the whole month with Bob and Jillian..
Anywho, have a fab weekend!
I almost always choose salty snacks over sweet snacks too! But if you give me some chocolate, I'm gonna eat it!
I think I'd choose The Amazing Race for my show!
I also send thank-you notes on behalf of the kids! And I'm also a cookbook girl. I haven't found a good recipe site, not that I've really been looking though!
i like friends too. That show was my favorite back in the day. so so funny. I write out thank yous too. It is polite. I RSVP also
Friends is my fav. too! Kraftfoods.com is a good recipe site! I love it & always refer to it! :) Have a great weekend!
Seriously, allrecipes.com. That's all I'm saying. Except they have a really cool rating system and lots of people add what they changed whay they didn't like etc. It changed my world. Almost.
I always choose salty and sweet haha. I love mixing my chocolate with popcorn, chips or pretzels. Maybe I'm weird. I'll accept that. :)
A agree with FancyFritter-- kraftfoods.com is great! I use that site a lot.
Lastly...Friends is the BEST!! I miss that show.
I love Friends, have the series on DVD and LOVE to watch them. I even laugh out loud when I watch them myself. Hmmm...salty snacks! I love them too! Hope I never have high blood pressure, I would hate to have to watch my salt intake.
Allrecipes.com is sort of like a thousand cook books combined into a website - you should check it out!
Aww, Pennie stole my thunder! I LOVE Allrecipes.com It is totally my go to website for recipes. They have everything you could imagine. You gotta check it out.
I'm a chip person too. I love 'em all!
You are brave for picking the Biggest Loser : ) Every time I run and feel like I want to stop I hear Jillian saying "unless you faint, puke, or die do not quit!" And then I so pick up speed for fear of her coming and kicking my you know what. And friends I LOVE! I got the whole DVD set for my birthday last year and they have come in so handy when there is nothing to watch on tv!
It would be so great if Friends came out with a movie on where they are now. I really miss that show!!! Back in the day I used to watch reruns from 7-8 pm and then again from 11-12 and I loved Thursdays cause then a new episode came on and I got to watch 5 episodes in one day. Oh I was hooked!
Biggest Loser ROCKS!!! You have to check it out! Tuesday nights on NBC. Love that show :o)
laughing about the recipe site. hehe. i'm like so the same.
I've never seen the biggest loser either!
I never watched Friends when it was on but I do enjoy the reruns now... =)
missed this one! darn.. how was your new year! Our was fun.. now im planning a duo party for ethan and caden.. Im going crazy on everything i need to do..i bought touch up paint for my living room and it was totaly the wrong color so now i have all these spots around that our darker so i have to re paint my entire living room!! That will take 2 days and thats if I paint all day!! STRESS!!! I get so crazy when I know im going to have people over..LOL.. talk about clean freak!
I'm right there with ya on the Friends thing. BEST SHOW EVER!!!! I am two seasons shy of having the entire collection. My hubby never watched it while it was on but now he loves watching reruns and my DVD's with me.
Hope you are staying warm. We are going a little stir-crazy around here too. Can't wait till it hits +20 so we can go outside and enjoy the heat wave (and so the roads clear off a little!)
Have a wonderful weekend.
fun! i'll have to join one of these weeks...i finally joined friday fragments and did a post this week...love random...
Girl...I think we could be best friends! Chips over a candy bar anyday!! And...I've never seen the Biggest Loser, either!
Did you do GNO?
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