Here goes...

1. What is better, growing old without money or dying young and wealthy?
Are you kidding me!?! Of course I would love to have money but I would never ever want to die young and leave my children without a mom just to have had money when I was alive. Money is not everything besides it's not like you can bring it with you when you go.
2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?
Both Matt and I do. I usually bring out the bathroom garbage when I clean and I always take out Braden's because I can't stand the smell of poop lingering around all day...I know, weird, huh!? :) Honestly though, I usually try to shove as much stuff in the kitchen garbage as I can hoping Matt gets to it first.
3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?
Yes, but for some reason it's always the bad dreams...what's up with that? It hasn't happened lately though, probably not since I was pregnant. P.S. - Why do pregnant women have such crazy dreams? Weird.
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
Nope. Wish I could but I can't.
5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?
Hmmm, good question. It would probably be something to do with babies or weddings because that's just plain fun...and you can charge crazy amounts for things and people will pay. :)
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!
Loved your store answer. So true people will pay any amount for cute stuff for their kids. lOL
We share trash duty too.
Isn't that the truth about people paying crazy prices for wedding/baby stuff? Good call on that one.
We want flashbacks! Give us flashbacks!
You are right about the wedding/baby store. I think it would be fun to own a store like that, too.
Don't worry, I can't play a tune on anything either. And I would love to have a baby/children store too. Wouldn't that just be happy and fun!
Hope you have a great time out with your girlfriends and hope those kiddos are feeling better soon.
Ugh, sick kids is the very worst! i hope they feel better soon. And being nearly done with school is the best in the whole world!
Funny thing, when I am pregnant I rarely dream. But when I am not I have the craziest dreams ever. I actually think they would make super cool books, but lack the talent to make them into books. And the time. Time is a major factor.
Hope your kiddos start feeling better!!!!
Mike and I always used to say that if we ever invented a new product, it would have to be a baby or wedding product, because of the ridiculous amount of money people spend on that stuff - and EVERYONE has to get the latest and greatest new stuff - especially baby gadgets! (And you only use them for a short time!)
Prayers for restored health!!!
And - yes - baby and wedding stuff - GOOD idea. When folks get into wedding/baby mode, $$$ signs make no sense anymore - its like their brains just edit them right out!!! :-)
Cute post : )
Ryan just got over being sick. Every time the weather changes it seems like he catches something.
They have a store in Houston called Paper Daisy and it would be the store that I would want to own. They sell everything from baby stuff, wedding, scrapbooking, cute bags, mom agendas. And the store is so colorful and girly : )
Hope you have a wonderful time with the girls tomorrow night! Hand out some hugs for me :-)
What a sweet family! Enjoyed your five answers.
Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement!
Last night I dreamed I was trying to drive my first car Flinstone-style since the motor no longer ran. It was going fine until we had to go uphill.
AwW I hope you guys feel better!
I like your answers- I too cant play a lick on anything lol.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. We are super excited for our upcoming move. Your little ones are adorable! I loved your store answer. It's so true!
yeah why do we have crazier dreams when we are pregnant? Haha.
I never thought about the baby and wedding thing (people spending crazy money on it)!!
Still working on #2. Hubby takes out the garbage but I still collect it from kitchen and bathroom, and put into one bag. Sigh.
Yes, a wedding themed store is a good idea - so you can go with the 400% markup :D
yea, pregnancy dreams are for sure the weirdest. and the most vivid.
and the store idea is perfect! i just love these little memes!
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