This morning we went and had breakfast with Santa.
Fun, right?
Yeah, well if you know my kids, you already know where this is going.
Lets see.
First you have Alexa...hiding under the table.

And don't forget Braden...yelling. And just because there is not a picture to prove it does
not mean he wasn't ripping my arm off from squeezing it so hard.

Here's Alexa "on Santa's lap"
Nope, wouldn't even look at him.

And Braden "on Santa's lap"
He on the other hand, would
not let the man out of his sight...just in case.

There you have it, our breakfast with Santa. Alexa was so excited to go and even
had to wear her Santa Dress but alas, there was no love for the big guy. I wonder how many more years until we eventually get a good picture with Santa.
Your blog looks great all christmasy and such :)
I love the one with Alexa under the table that is too funny.
This is so sweet! Isn't it funny how kids love Santa, talk about him all of the time, are excited to see him and then they won't even go near him when the actually get the chance. Grant is in good with the big guy, but way Jose! These pics are going to be so fun to show the kids some day!!!
Hope all is well :)
p.s. Love your new background...the colors are my fav for Christmas!
Sometimes it's the misadventures that are the most fun to remember!
I remember being terrified of the man. I knew he wasn't real but a friend of my parents wanted to take me anyway. Talk about scary!
Those pictures are priceless. Oh, my gosh. Perfect for fun times later when they're grown up enough to have a sense of humor about themselves. It looks like some fun time for the family anyway. :)
okay, that is really, really funny!
*beautiful* picture of you, by the way. you are absolutely gorgeous, laura!
Don't you just love being in the picture with the Big guy? Your children are so cute. Funny thing...the only one of my kids that screamed was Actress when she was 11 months old for her first Christmas...but after that nothing but love.
You all are too cute.
I think those pictures are great!!! Atleast you have a story to tell years from now and you have yourself and Matt in the pictures which is kinda fun :o)
Those pictures crack me up! You will always look back at them and have great memories to share.
Aidyn was screaming (face bright red) in his picture with Santa last year. I thought he would be scarred for life but this year he cannot get enough of the big man.
a) of all, YOUR BLOG LAYOUT IS SO SUPER CUTE! (sorry for the caps lock voice, but i mean it!) and b) i LOVE the pictures! and um, alexa's santa dress!? get outta town, she is so super adorable! maybe next year they won't be terrified, but honestly, it makes for a much better story! ;)
Love your new look! We are on year 9- still no luck on the good pic with Santa adventure, Only now he is "too old and cool" ug.
Too stinken FUNNY!!! I can just see Alexa scrambling to get out of Santa's way..."Leave my lone!!" Braden looks like he's wondering "What in the WORLD???"
All in all, it looks like you had a wonderful time!! Good memories for you...I can't wait to hear Alexa's side of the story!! haha
That is so cute! I love it!
I also love your new blog look. Like you need any help....did you just whip this up? You rock! I love it!
Adorable! These "unperfect" pictures are the best ones, anyway...these are real life! :) You have a beautiful family! One of these days I expect to run into you in town! Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Aw so sweet! I'm glad ya'll had a great time!
Lauren sat on Santa's lap but she wouldn't smile for the camera. Her teacher at daycare said one of the other little kids about had a panic attack. She was screaming and crying and was so red in the face they were worried she was going to pass out or something. These are still cute pictures though. Something to show your kids when they find out the truth about Santa. :)
That is so cute. Braden and my baby boy have the same outfit; although, I am sure it is not in the same size :)
Oh my gosh! This is so cute! The ironic thing is that Ryan (my 3 yr old) hates Santa but loves the Easter Bunny. He even went and gave the Bunny a kiss but Santa he doesn't want anything to do with : )
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