And we finally had enough tickets to get ourselves this baby...

Yup, that's right. That bracelet is a beauty I tell ya, it even lights up!! Don't you just love Chuck E. Cheese's?
Oh wait, I don't.
I used to...until they poisoned me.
Or maybe they didn't, I don't know.
But I haven't felt good since we left there.
I even tried not to touch anything.
Just kidding....kinda.
Anyway, back to the kids, huh?
Alexa was pretty pumped the whole way there. Every place we passed she would ask, "Is
that Chuck E. Cheese's?" No really, it was super cute the first 184 times....after that, not so much.
We finally got there and she was off.

And riding motorcycles with Daddy.

By far the highlight of the baby girl, yes
MY baby girl walking right on up the Ski Ball (although it wasn't actually called that, what the heck??) ramp and throwing the balls in the highest numbered holes. Anything for some tickets. She is a girl after my heart!
(Too bad there's sensors that can tell when you do that so you don't actually get the points, dang those game makers for thinking ahead!) :)

Brado had a blast too.
Anything that lights up is a
WOW to him.
Matt and I took turns chasing him around the whole place.
I think he needs his own game room at home! :)

Playing peek-a-boo was the best part though.
I know he's mine and all, but geez he's a cutie!

So that was our day at Chuck E. Cheese's.
Getting sick was worth watching the kiddies have some fun with Daddy while he is on vacation!
oh my gosh, funnest day ever! except for the sick part, that really sucks. so glad that you guys are enjoying matt's time off! vacay's are the very best, aren't they? :) and seriously? you're super obsessed with ski-ball, too!? that's awesome! we should absolutely plan a day of this. and i *guess* the kids could come, too. ;)
Okay, first, it made me almost giddy to load your page and hear John Stamos singing. Hellooooo Full House memories haha.
I used to love Chuck E Cheese growing up. Back when they had the germ (ball) pit. It was awesome-- germs and all haha. Your cuties look like they had a blast. :)
Those pictures look great and it looks like you guys had a great time. I hate the fact that the kids always find a prize that they have to have that cost an outrageous amount of tickets and I end up wasting crazy money on the "cheap" prize that I could have bought at the dollar store!!! At least Alexas lights up :o)
Hope you feel better soon...I know what you mean about all the money/tickets to get the 50 cent trinket, candy. But seeing the smiles on their faces makes it all worth it, doesn't it?... have a Happy Ney Year!
How were you lucky enough to have red hair AND have a redheaded daughter! Your family is beautiful!
oh me, oh sure do have some adorable kiddos! so glad that you had a good time, you can tell by the pictures that the kids had a blast!
i must say, you had me laughing almost the whole way through this post...very uplifting and funny!
Happy New Year!
Hey Laura! I gave you an award! go to my blog to check it out. So what fun things to you have planned today?? Can I come be your kid! You guys have too much fun!
that looks like so much fun. sorry you aren't feeling well! I hope that you didn't catch anything.
My kids love Chuck E too! And me, I am all germy phobic!
But what do you do?
Love the pics!
How are you feeling! I hate those type of places! My kids have never been yet!! Childrens museums gross me out enough!!
HA! We've only been once, and no one got sick. Now we have a gift card to use. YUCK! Oh, well. It will be fun to get the kids out of the house for a while. That picture of Alexa is priceless. She is (going?) to be a force to be reckoned with. You have an amazingly smart little girl. (And she's beautiful to boot!)
Don't you just love the climb places? (Other than the germ factor.) We went to a bounce house place and the kids loved the climbing area best of all. Go figure. I hope you get to make the most of your time with Daddy home.
Laura, Hope you are feeling better. We are all sick here. Glad you had such a great time with your family. I can't wait to meet my Grandson... I love him already. Thank You for being a part of my blog. I look forward to another year of blogging with you. Hope you have the best New Year too. Much Love and Blessings, Audrey
You brave, brave mommy!
Best wishes to you and your family in 2010!
How fun my kids love CEC too. They do over price their little treasures. LOL Cute Bracelet.
Happy New Year.
I did not realize that about the skee ball sensors! - something in the back of my mind is telling me that my son did this as well when he was know that game is so dang frustrating!!!!!
Punky has been asking us to take him there forever! I think we need to just give in :)
oh wow looks like so much fun! I bet they had a blast!
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