It was completely surreal and it felt like I was watching a movie.
50+ foot flames in our back yard.
Smoke so black and thick that I couldn't even see our neighbors fence.
Police Officers and Fire Fighters running down our streets.
It's amazing how helpful and caring people are when bad things happen.
I had neighbors coming over to take my kids before I could even calm myself down and realize what was actually happening.
Once I knew they were safe I went back in the house and completely froze.
What is important?
Other than making sure my family was out, I had no idea.
I always thought I would know what to take in that kind of situation.
So I just started grabbing pictures, computers, diapers, some clothes, and important documents...
What a crazy day.
I realized I didn't grab Braden's blanket or Alexa's puppy, which are the things they would have grabbed...bad mommy moment. Thank goodness everything turned out okay. :)
Thank you so much to everyone who was praying and texting and calling!
Maybe sometimes we all need a close call to remember what is really important.
I am so thankful for your safety! Praise God!
Laura...i am so glad to hear that everything turned out well! What an incredibly scary situation!
And, you're's the close calls that really make you realize what's important!
How scary! I'm glad everyone is ok!
I am so glad everything was okay. You are right...sometimes it takes a crazy day close call to remind us of what is really important. Neat to hear that after your family was safe really didn't care what else you took with you. I hope everyone else in your area was okay too.
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad everyone is okay!
I am so THANKFUL that everyone is safe and that everything turned out O.K.!! Where was the fire?
Praise the Lord!
wow, how scary! so glad everyone is ok and sorry you had to go through something like that to reflect on what is important...hoping i can take this moment to think about that when i'm not in the are so right that you "think" you will know until you are there...
Praise God that you all are okay! What a scary time, I cannot imagine! I would have been like you, once the kids where safe, what do you choose??? Sounds like you have wonderful neighbors and handled the situation perfectly! Hopefully you can relax and enjoy the weekend!
How scary. Sounds like you handled everything really well. I'm so glad you and your family and your house are safe!
Thank goodness everyone and everything is okay! I can't imagine the thoughts that were running through your head. I have always said family out first then my computer and external hard drive (pics). Isn't it funny what is important in a situation like this. Just glad no one was hurt and very thankful you still have a house to cal home. Hope you have a better weekend.
That just gave me chills. So, so, SO thankful that you are all alright. How incredibly scary.
That is scary! I am glad you and your family are safe and that everything is ok.
Yikes! That just might inspire me to think about what would be impotant to grab and get it into one spot. I'm glad you and your house were unharmed.
I am so glad everyone is ok!! It's a blessing in disguise.
woa. scary stuff!! thank god you guys are ok.
I know if I were put in the same situation I probably would be running around like a mad woman trying to find the important stuff.
How scary Laura! I was relieved to hear you were all okay!
I wouldn't know what to grab either! As long as everyone is out of the house, that's all that matters.
So glad to hear that everything turned out ok! That really looks like a scene from a movie. Thank God for your safety and wonderful friends to help you out.
(((you and your sweet family)))
OMGosh...I am so glad that you are all ok.
I am so glad you are okay!!!! Now you know the next time if anything like this ever happens what to do. I think this is a good lesson for all us to maybe just take a walk through the house and look and think, what would I grab if I had to get out quickly?
Glad you're all okay!
SO glad that you are all OK! How scary!!
We should get together soon.
yikes! that had to be so scary. I am glad that you all and your house are ok.
What the heck????? I had no idea...and I live near you!!!! Was this a grass fire or what??? I'm glad you're okay! My gosh, girl! Whew! Praise God!
that's scary stuff. I thought you were going to say it was the tornado. Glad you are all safe.
wow, i am so glad that you are okay! i am sorry you had to go through this.
Oh my! I am so glad you are okay! Thank God you were able to get out for safety's sake and you had wonderful helpers near! I am so, so glad everything is okay.
What happened? I see smoke but how and where did a fire start?
I'm glad all of you are well.
YIKES!! PTL you all are safe and all ended well with the house too! I think I would also panic or freeze! =) When my little girl comes home from school every year with the "we need a fire plan" I always go through it with them... but I have never thought about 'important' things! hm... would be smart to have a list pinned up for things to grab or find... and make sure they are all on the lower level! HEY.. way to take pictures of the whole thing in the midst of chaos! =)
That is so scary!!! I'm so glad to hear that everyone is safe! My sisters house caught on fire almost 4 years ago and they lost everything including their dog. It was such a horrible time but the most important thing was that they all made it out safe and unharmed!!
I would have froze too! Now I am going to get a box together and have it in my closet. So I can grab my Grandmother's Bible and all our pictures (CD's, negatives, movies, etc.)
Wow! Thank God nobody was hurt and homes were all still standing!
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