I am having a major dilemma over here.
I can't decide if I should cut Alexa's hair or not.
What should I do??
I keep going back and forth.
Don't Cut.
Don't Cut.
I can't decide if I should cut Alexa's hair or not.
What should I do??
I keep going back and forth.
Don't Cut.
Don't Cut.

That would be really cool for her to do, right?
But then her gorgeous long hair would be gone.
But it's just hair and it will grow back.
(I have to keep telling myself that.)
I would miss it though.
A lot.
Even though it gets full of food and is a struggle to comb.
I still love it.
And she can't leave our house without someone commenting on it.
It's her thing, ya know.

Cut it off?
Leave it?
Just trim it?
How long did you wait to cut your daughter's hair?
Did it go over well?
Sometimes I can convince Alexa it would be a good idea to cut it into a cute bob and other times she kind of freaks and says she doesn't want boy hair.
(I know there are many more important things in the world than cutting hair, like everything, but I am just asking for some input, advice or maybe someone to tell me to chill out and just do it.) :)
well, my daughter didn't (doesn't) have much hair. it's past her shoulders but still very thin (at almost 3 years old). we just had it trimmed. but I don't want to cut her hair short yet. i think little girls with long hair is so beautiful. and she has a gorgeous color.
but locks of love would be great. and it will grow back.
but i say keep it!
I say just a trim. I have wanted my daughters to have long hair like their momma, but they inherited their daddy's thin hair and we have a hard time getting it to grow too long without looking stringy. My girls and I both want their hair to grow long. LOL. So I say keep it until she's ready to get rid of it. =)
I let my girls pick their hair cuts within reason. They have always chosen great dos. My daughter when she was 8 donated her hair and it was such a proud moment and she felt good about helping a girl in need. It was a win win. Her hair is beautiful. Tough decision.
I say leave it..even though..donating it to Locks of Love would be awesome..
Wait till you and Alexa are ready..
I love when my daughter's hair is long..it's awesome..and I always hate when she wants it cut..
She is too young to take care of it, so it depends on whether or not you want to take care of it the way it is. She does have beautiful hair, though.
My sister does hair, so my girls have been her guinea pigs. They have had all sorts of hairstyles since they were little.
I would say to just trim it, but the locks of love thing is a good idea if you decide to give it a good whack. Have you asked her yet what she wants to do? I'm sure she would have no problem giving some input, haha!
I waited until Becca wanted her's cut. She was a little over three. Since then, she just keeps wanting in short...like her cousin.
I'm kind of sad. I loved the long hair. If you have no problems with it long and she likes it, leave it.
You might like it short for the summer and yes it will grow back. It is very pretty!
I don't have a girl so I can imagine this is a hard decision! I would say wait until you know for sure. Either way-- she's adorable!!
Don't you dare cut it!!! A trim would be fine but nothing more than that!!!
Julie had long hair like that and she got it all cut and shaped into a style when she was about 8.
I don't think I'll be much help, as her hair would be beautiful for the locks of love, and I bet they don't get her color very often...and her hair will continue to be beautiful on her! I love her hair. For me, it was an easy decision. My oldest was born with so much hair and it is SO thick, that when she was in kindergarten we cut it short, into an inverted bob, as it was cooler, easier to comb, and she liked it and it looked so cute...My youngest has the finest hair, and it is just finally starting to get thick, but because of her hair texture when it gets long, it gets stringy looking...so we keep it at about ther shoulder blades, not much longer. Can't wait to hear/see what you decide! Hey, even if you cut it, it could still be long enough for a pony, braids, etc...
I would just trim it and let her decide when she gets a little older. Abby is only 2 1/2 and I have only trimmed her hair once. I want it to be long. I love long hair! :)
Her hair is gorgeous! I am sure she will look adorable with whatever you choose.
Oh, that is a hard one! Her hair is absolutely gorgeous but I am also a proponent of 'you don't know if you like it until you've tried it.' I bet a bob would look super cute as well but if it isn't something she's ready for then I say have it trimmed a couple of inches to keep it healthy and manageable. I also think it is sweet that she is worried she may look like a boy if she gets her hair cut. It is also uncanny that you bring this up today because just today I was checking on a few caringbridge sites that I follow and one is a local 18 year old girl, Greta, who is now 3 years post bone marrow transplant for Leukemia. Her sister just recently donated to Locks for Love and Greta got to do the cutting. You should take a look at the pic and maybe even show Alexa what someone who has donated their hair looks like after :) Here is the link if you are interested in looking...http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/gretaperske
Good luck with which ever you choose!
It's a tough one. Maybe for now just trim and freshen it up--though it absolutely gorgeous! Then, later if she is ready to let it go, you can donate to Locks of Love. Like you said it will grow back. I let my oldest get a short haircut when she was 5. It was soooo hard! Now it is long again. She wants to keep it that way.
I have no girls but Kobe had beautiful long curly hair when he was a baby and this past summer his Daddy took him to the barber and cut it all off! I still miss his hair to this day. Everyone kept telling us to cut it so we kinda felt like we had to but now I just wish I could go back in time and tell them all to shut up (sorry..this is a touchy subject LOL).
I say, TRIM IT till you are ready to cut it short! She can donate her hair to the locks of love then :o)
Lauren's hair isn't nearly that long! but I have already trimmed hers because I needed her bangs cut really bad. Alexa's hair is so beautiful!!! What does she want to do with it? I think she would look cute with short hair and donating it would be so neat BUT it would be a shock to both of you if you cut it!!!
If she were sitting in my chair....
I'd wait to do locks for love for when she's a little older....
I'd cut about 4 inches. That way it will be easier to manage, better for summer and it will still be long.
Can't wait to see what you decide.
Bridgette has beautiful long hair. Always has. We've always trimmed, until this year, when we cut about 4 inches. That's the most we've cut.
I hear you say you'll miss it. I hear you say she doesn't want boy hair. If you do it, what message will that give her about herself, and giving to charity?
Maybe you can do a happy medium and go with a trim, or a medium cut? Her hair is beautiful. Ultimately, you are the one who has to live with it, and take care of it. Summer is coming, and it's the season of french braids and pony tails...so that's not too bad - but you can't do that with a bob. Something to think about, anyway! :)
Tough subject.. and I say whatever you decide she will still be a total doll baby either way.
If it were me I would prob cut it to like her shoulders or something and see how she likes it.. if she wants it shorter then you can cut a little more off later on and if she wants it longer then its not so short that it would take forever to grow back out. That is kind of meeting in the middle! I think with it shorter it would be easier to handle in the summer but what do I know my little girl still only has peach fuzz ;)
Good luck with whatever you and miss Alexa decide.. keep us updated.. I am dying to see it!!
Trim!! Her hair is to beautiful to cut!LOL
just trim it! Its beautiful, especially her color.
I recently had my daughter cut- a little TOO short, and am SO regretting it now.
my vote : KEEP IT! =]
i wish that i had an answer for you! but seriously, she will look absolutely adorable either way. :)
Sorry I'm of no help since I only have boys! But when I was little my mom wouldn't let me grow my hair because SHE didn't want to deal with it! I didn't like that so much....
Her hair is gorgeous! I say just trim it until she wants it cut! Good luck either way!
Oooh, that's a tough one! I think she would look REALLY cute with a short inverted bob, but it would look cute if you just cut a few inches off too. I personally would wait to do locks of love until she's older...unless she fully understands what it is she'd be cutting her hair for now.
I say trim it and that's it!
See...it's just that simple!
I think if you're doubting it that much, just wait for now...unless of course she wants it cut.
PS. I'm only on Blackberry, no laptop yet! Sorry I didn't get here sooner :-)
I loved my daughters hair to...
first cut age 3 ... huge locks of beautifully naturally highlighted hair...cut and gone... it was hard... I loved it... but the cute shortness grew on me! ;) she is 9 now and she still tears up when I make her get a cut 2 times a year.. Spring and Fall... I love it long... but it does grow back... it is fun to change it!
Go with your gut!
I'd probably let her decide (but I'd dry to leave your own personal feelings out of it so you're sure she's saying what she wants). But it really IS pretty the way she has it now.
I say keep it but just give it a little trim. Its way too pretty to cut!
But I can't say much because when my hair gets longer than my shoulders I go have it chopped off. Just too much to deal with.
It sure is beautiful. What does Matt think? I plan to keep my girls hair long until they want it cut. Caring for hair will always be a pretty big project at our house.
Her hair is BEE-autiful. It would be a shame to cut it. HOWEVER, I think that a little banged bob (like Suri Cruise) would be A-DOR-able on her.
I think that you have a WIN/WIN situation here. She's darling with her long hair - and she'd be darling with a shorter cut, too.
Good luck, Mama! :-)
she truly does have beautiful hair...this is a really hard decision even though it seems like a small thing...we have never more than trimmed sea's hair (she is almost 5 and it is down to the top of her pants)...hmm...i guess i'm not really helping...what does she say when you ask her (not about boy hair, but just about cutting it in general)? i would let her decide...maybe look through some magazines to see other little girls' hair cuts she likes? of course now that i've given this advice i could never cut sea's...so maybe just do what is best for you and you can always cut it when she is older...
We have cut ours and given it to locks of love... it was a wonderful feeling but I let my girls help make the decision since it is their hair.
Aw what a big decision! It is tough esp. for mom's! I remember I got my first hair cut when I was 6 or 7. My mom never had it cut til then & I did fine with it, of course I was kinda young at the time & did cry a little bit but got over it. We kept my hair for memories. I say just cut it medium length, don't go too short. Hope you make the right decision girly!!!
Aw what a big decision! It is tough esp. for mom's! I remember I got my first hair cut when I was 6 or 7. My mom never had it cut til then & I did fine with it, of course I was kinda young at the time & did cry a little bit but got over it. We kept my hair for memories. I say just cut it medium length, don't go too short. Hope you make the right decision girly!!!
I say do the TOILET TEST my husband hates long hair, and so every so often, we have her sit on the toilet and lean back. If her hair piles up on the seat, it means it will go in the water if she leans back while doing her business. Which she always does. Then if it piles up, we as my older son says "ruthlessly hack it all off". My husband does the kids hair- not me.
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