Saturday, March 27, 2010
Nobody puts Braden in the Corner....Except Himself
Braden kept playing with the DVD player and the DVDs today and I was telling him over and over not to touch but he kept going back again. Finally after about 10 minutes I said, "Braden, do you need to take a timeout?" I really don't even know why I said it because I have never tried putting him in time out before, but right after I said it he gets up, walks to the kitchen, pulls out a chair and crawls up on it. Apparently he knows the routine from another little person around here. At first I thought he was moving on to crawling around on the table like I often find him doing but then I realized he had put himself in timeout. I couldn't stop laughing, it was adorable. Do you think it would be as effective if I put him there? :)

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Wow! I wish I could get Lauren to sit in time out on her own when she needs too! :) too cute!
Oh my goodness! That is so funny and cute!
So cute!! I love his big grin too. :)
Too cute. I love his smiling face too. LOL A little ham.
How cute!
Oh that is too cute! And I love the grief stricken look on his face... not! Wow, amazing.
My youngest used to put himself in timeout when he was 2yrs old. He did learn by example too. It's that simple!!!
He's still smiling.
He is one smart cookie! Always seems like time out is more effective for the second child. Doesn't even phase Grant but Audrey HATES getting put into time out so she almost always listens when I start counting to 3.
This just made me crack up! Something tells me you're going to have to find some other form of creative correction for this ADORABLE little boy when the time comes.
When he needs to be disciplined, it is going to be DIFFICULT - look at that angelic face. I feel for you - who could discipline a cherub like THAT?! Luckily, from everything you've written, it sounds like he's pretty easy going. Whew! You lucked out on that one! ;)
Ok so I dont know how I am so behind on your blog.. like four post behind! WHAT! Dont know how that happend.. so this will prob. be a long comment.
I think it is too funny that he put himself in time out! Time out is effective for Emma (kind of ;) so use it and right now it works (mostly!)
The easter egg hunt looks like a blast. The only one we found was for today and its raining so hopefully we will find one. I think it is totally adorable that Alexa is so girly. Only finding pink eggs.. so fun!
I cant believe Brayden can count to 10!! We cant get past three.. do you think yall could come down and teach big E ;)
Glad I am all caught up on your blog now.. feel much better! Hope yall have a great sunday!!
You are so blessed. I would love to have one who would do that. For now, I'll live in the fairy tale your life looks like from here. :)
Your kids are SO FUNNY...but I would say that as long as Braden is still smiling in time out, it's not very effective!!! ;)
I use to be able to put you in your room and that was the worst punishment EVER...Phill LOVED being sent to his room!! You just have to find out what works for each child!!
TOO CUTE those Grandbabies of mine!!
Now isn't that cute!!!
Look how happy he is to be in timeout! You may have problem if he has that much fun with his punishment!
Wow..He's self training!! What a smart boy. Looks like you may have it easy with him!
hahaha! that's so cute! and look at how happy he is to be in that self-inflicted time out! :)
whenever my babes are doing something that mk disapproves of, which is basically everything, she asks them "um, do you need a baby-timeout?"
kids are hilarious.
Oh Laura, that is the cutest time out I have ever seen!
Laura that is SO funny! I laugh all too often when I am correcting either a kid or the dog! I love/hate that I find life so darn funny! ;)
I swear you've got a wise little guy on your hands there. He is three steps ahead of you!
They are always paying attention to way more than we give them credit for.
Looks like he did't get the memo that t.o. isn't fun....cause he sure looks like he's having a blast!
Karley used to do the same thing. Even when it was for real...I think she was mocking me???
It would appear that he has you figured out. Discipline is for the birds anyways- at least thats what my kids tell me...
OMG that is so cute! What a smart little boy he is!
My son puts his toys in time out. He would never put himself in time out. That is too funny.
Oh my goodness - how cute is HE??
Just poppin' over to see if anything was new in the Bignell family!
OMGosh that is too cute! I love the first picture. I hate putting Ryan in time out because I just can't get him to stay in it. I have tried doing the super-nanny thing and putting him back in it over and over again and it just gets exhausting!
Looks like you guys had so much fun! You are brave using that dye in your house.. thank goodness braden wanted to eat crackers
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