One week.
That's how long it has been since Braden has nursed.
(Actually it has been 8.5 days, but who's counting.)
I think he's officially done. *sniff sniff*
I am happy about it now and it already seems like it has been months since he quit.
But if you would have asked me about it approximately 6.5 days ago, it would not have been pretty.
In fact I think I was bribing him with cookies.
I'm kidding.
I am just so emotional when it come to my kids growing up that every first and last always brings a tear to this Mama. It's hard...but so much fun at the same time!
So anyway, he's done with the milk.
19 months.
I never thought I would nurse that long.
But I am happy I did.
It was such a great bonding time and was sometimes the only time we got to hang out, just the two of us.
Also, looking back on it I am so happy that it was his choice.
There was a point I thought that I would have had to pack up and move out for a few days. I wasn't sure he would ever let it go!
Now the milk is dried up and my tears are dried up and we're moving on to the next stage of life with this little man.
(Actually it has been 8.5 days, but who's counting.)
I think he's officially done. *sniff sniff*
I am happy about it now and it already seems like it has been months since he quit.
But if you would have asked me about it approximately 6.5 days ago, it would not have been pretty.
In fact I think I was bribing him with cookies.
I'm kidding.
I am just so emotional when it come to my kids growing up that every first and last always brings a tear to this Mama. It's hard...but so much fun at the same time!
So anyway, he's done with the milk.
19 months.
I never thought I would nurse that long.
But I am happy I did.
It was such a great bonding time and was sometimes the only time we got to hang out, just the two of us.
Also, looking back on it I am so happy that it was his choice.
There was a point I thought that I would have had to pack up and move out for a few days. I wasn't sure he would ever let it go!
Now the milk is dried up and my tears are dried up and we're moving on to the next stage of life with this little man.
He is talking like crazy and will try to say almost anything we ask him to.
He is starting to put words together. (2-3 at a time)
He can count to 10.
He is very independent when he eats. He wants NO help.
Loves being outside.
Still very much a cuddle bug when he wants to be.
Great sleeper. (11 hours at night and 2 hour nap)
Loves playing with Alexa and copying her every move.
Is almost always smiling and laughing.
Except when he is fake crying. (with real tears...he's good)
Loves to read books.
Is just such a happy little dude and so fun to be around!!
Oh mama!! I am glad that you are feeling better about him choosing to stop nursing. It is so hard. I cried for months when I stopped nursing Lauren and it was my choice. It was hard for me to let go of! I loved having that special time with her.
Wow, he counts to 10? That's wonderful. He's such a cutie.
I know it's kinda sad when you're done nursing, but the freedom sure is nice. Good for you for going as long as you did.
GO YOU! 19 months seems like forever to me, the longest I nursed my girls was 3 months {until we both got thrush, then I got severe pneumonia}. With this one, I would LOVE to nurse that long!
If only they'd stay small forever...
Big hugs to you, even though you are ok now.
I remember those days and oh was a an emotional wreck. It is tough watching them grow up so quickly. He is adorable and so so smart.
Good job mama! 19 mo is awesome! I'm impressed too that he counts to 10! God bless - Holly
i hope that you get told *daily* how awesome you are. i was sort of a wreck when i stopped nursing, but i agree. it definitely made it easier that it was their choice and not mine!
that's one smart (and ADORABLE) guy you have there, mama! so cute. :)
I'm an emotional mom too. You're not alone.
Counting to ten already! Holy cow. Colton is not even close to that. Addyson was a lot more like that for sure. She was already talking so well by this point. She could even point out the letters A, B, C and D. Nope, not Colton. He just isn't interested yet. He does say quite a few words but many of them are not super clear.
I had wondered if you were still nursing. I hope Talitha wants to nurse for atleast that long.
Wow! You rock! I can't believe you hung in there for that long. That is so awesome.
You are going to have so many great memories to treasure and hold onto. You are such an encouragement to me to enjoy each of the little things each day. Hugs sweet girl! :)
I just want to pinch those cute little cheeks of his!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh, so precious!
Way to go on making it 19 months!! I know it's hard. Jorgen decided at 11 months that he was DONE!! DONE!! Heather went to feed him one morning and he started for one second, pulled away, looked up at her and shook his head NO, NO, NO...over and over...then smiled!!!!!! Guess there wasn't much she could do at that point!
Yes, they grow up, but you've got so many fun stages to look forward to, which I know you are!!
Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I haven't forgotten about you!
Love and Hugs
Ahh Laura.....sniff sniff....I know how each new thing is bittersweet!
Little B is such a cutie pie!
Ah... another milestone! My babies quit earlier than that; I think they wanted to be on the move. I understand what you mean about each first and last. It's so emotional.
That's incredible that you were able to nurse until he grew out of it! I hope you're super proud of what you've given him!!
And what a freakin smarty pants counting to ten hehe! Good luck with everything to come! Can't wait to hear all his terrible toddler stories! :P
It is sad when they move to that 'next" stage. Kyron is only 2 months old and it is flying by.
You did WAY better than me! I made it a whopping 2 months with Oldest (the second time he had thrush I was over it!) And twice as long with Littles. Took a trip to Disney when she was 4 months and something happened during the trip, still not sure what. Went there breastfeeding came home not breastfeeding. But still, 4 months seemed like forever! I can't imagine hanging in there as long as you did. Your AWESOME.
He seems like such a happy, carefree kinda dude. I'm sure you'll still have lots of special time together...even my 14 year old still likes to hang with me (I think)
Wow, that is great that you could nurse him so long!
He sounds a lot like's the best age!
Awww naps! How I miss those! He is such a cutie.
Good for you! I only made it to 6 mos with Grant and 8 with Audrey. I also totally understand hard it is to experience all of those 'firsts' and 'lasts'. I get weepy almost daily thinking about how quickly my kids are growing up. Oh the joys of being a mom, right :) did I miss this post!? I hear ya, lady. I just recently quite nursing L-boy. He just wouldn't do it anymore. I was all geared up to go as long as he wanted. Well...he didn't want it anymore. Pft!!
They grow up too fast. I love hearing that other mom's are savoring each moment. I think too often we wish it away!!
Good for you!! I'm at 9 months and plan to go as long as he'll let me. You rock!
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