1. Are you a Black Friday shopper? No no no! I don't think I have ever gone out on black Friday, at least not until that night. I used to work in retail and people are craaaaazy!! I get annoyed enough by all the rude people pushing around stores on a regular old Tuesday. Although....I could probably be convinced to go if I had to, after all it is shopping.
2. What was your favorite childhood toy? (Think Easy Bake Oven, Cabbage Patch Kid, Shrinky Dinks, etc.) Definitely my Cabbage Patch kids! I had tons of them!
3. Favorite Christmas movie? I have to put 3 here. One: A Christmas Story with Ralphie and his Red Ryder BB gun. I don't know why I love that movie so much but I watch it every year like 5 times on TNT when they have the 24 hour marathon. Two: Christmas Vacation!! Matt and I will watch it any time of the year, it doesn't even have to be Christmas. Three: Elf. I laugh through that entire movie, soooo funny!
4. What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year? Unrealistically....a brand new decked out minivan, a trip to Hawaii and a new baby. :) But maybe a little more realistic, a new camera. Other than that, all I want is to be with my family and everyone to be happy and healthy! I looooove Christmas, favorite time of the year!
5. Do you go all out with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy? I probably fall somewhere in the middle. I definitely would be the 'go all out' kind of girl but I just haven't accumulated that much Christmas stuff yet. :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I know I will since we're packing up the blaze orange until next year! :)
I'll take a decked out minivan too..and a new camera seems to be a hot item on the 5QF..
Have a great weekend!
oh how I would love me a decked out honda minivan. My boss has one and I drive it pretty frequently and I adore it... makes life so much easier. Good luck on the camera.. put in a good word with Santa for me ;)
Have fun bringing out the christmas decos this weekend!!
I love Cabbage patch dolls and I go shopping every year on Black Friday. I LOVE IT!
Thats what it is - Christmas Vacation. My FAVORITE Movie, I couldnt think for the life of me what the name was. total brain failure.. Great movies.. you had..
LOL at the Minivan, I can't ask for that my hubs would kill me , but at least he lets me rock the tahoe.. :)
Have a good weekend.
I want a decked out mini-van. Right now I have a mini-van with just one bell and no whistles.
Great answers!
All your Christmas movie choices are so fun! I hope you get your camera for a gift and you made me smile thinking back to shrinky dinks and my easy bake oven. :)
ooohhh what kind of camera do you want??
My husband won't let me put up the tree til after Thanksgiving either, but since I don't have any plans this weekend I am thinking about going ahead and cleaning the house really good and getting some of the stuff out and getting ready to put it up.
I like these! I may start doing it!!! I dont really like black friday either, but im going with friends anyway. lol.
So is your hubby the one who made the rule for the tree?? Mine did! I hate it!!! However in exchange for that I get to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music anytime of the year! Although he is bending this year and letting me put some stuff up early! :)
i completely agree with the whole after thanksgiving thing being a dumb, nonexistent rule. i LOVE christmas! and oh my gosh, it would be so stinkin' fun to shop black friday together! AAAHHH! last year was the first year that i DIDN'T go out and i was so super bummed. ps. we have like the same exact christmas movie faves!
sounds like a perfect weekend...time with family getting ready for Christmas! I love to shop the day after Thanksgiving, well I should say go out the day after Thanksgiving. It's weird, I know, but I love the rush of the crowds, the activity and hussle and bussle. there are years I don't buy a thing, but still go out to watch the chaos. Crazy, I know. Have a GREAT weekend!
What camera are you looking at? As you know, I'm so in love with mine!
YAY! You aren't a hunting widow any more. That's such a good feeling. Ty and Daddy are going out one time and then we're all though. Have a great weekend.
we ARE pregnant!!!!!! =-) Found out this morning! I dont want to post it on my blog b.c were not telling everyone yet and ppl read it! =-) YAY!
Minivan, Hawaii and a new baby??? That's all huh?? LOL. That is a cute wish list! I am so excited for the Christmas movies to start playing on TV :o) I am just excited for the Christmas hub bub to start.
I will take a trip to Hawaii too!! :) I love all of those Christmas movies too! It amazes me how I can get sucked into A Christmas Story more than once during the entire 24 hour marathon! And Elf just cracks me up!
I started following you the other day and for some reason it took me off..Hmmmm..anyway..I put myslef back on..:-)
I am all about a new minivan too! :) We will actually be looking for one but not until january... fun post!
I loved Elf! Hasn't it seemed like it's all gone downhill for Will Ferrell since then???)
And may you wind up with your decked out minivan, a baby AND a camera :D
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