Halloween could not have been more fun! (Ok, it could have been
a little warmer and
a lot less windy but that's just minor.) I never really got into Halloween before we had kids. I liked dressing up in college and handing out candy to kids when we bought our house but for me, I could have gone without it. Now, it ranks up there pretty close to Christmas! It was so fun dressing Alexa and Braden up and taking them trick-or-treating, they both loved it.
Here they are, Halloween children of 2009:
The Butterfly Princess & The Ducky

We spent the day at the MN Zoo. They were handing out treats and had the place all fancied up for the day. The sun actually came out for awhile so we were able to go outside and see some of those animals and play on their big playground.

Pretty sure this one is the cutest ducky that has ever hatched.

And of course later that night we got all dressed back up for trick-or-treating around town. We were kind of excited so we got all ready then had to sit around waiting for it to get dark so we could go. It took a good 5 houses for Alexa to get the hang of things. The first few we went to she was "too shy" to say anything but a few more down she was telling us to "stay here" so she could go up to the house by herself. She was so excited, she would walk up to the house and knock and yell
trick-or-treat to everyone, then she would get her candy and say "
THANKS" as she walked away. There were several people that said she was the best mannered kid out there...which isn't too hard to believe considering at one point as we were waiting at a door Alexa got pinned to the wall from other (bigger) kids pushing their way to the front. That didn't make Mama very happy, I was about ready to give them a trick of my own....just kidding, of course. (But not really) We stayed out for about an hour and a half and I think the kids would have been fine going more except we stopped at a friends house down the road and ended up staying there for the rest of the night.
Operation Candy was a success and the guys at Matt's work will be excited to see all the goodies they get tomorrow.

Oh yeah, the trick....
We were walking up to one house and some punk kid came jumping and yelling out of the bushes with some huge fake ax thing and a mask on, I don't think it phased Alexa one bit but I can't really say for sure because I was too busy screaming and peeing my pants. (Just a little) :) I only share because after the fact it was
kind of funny and you can have a laugh at my expense. You're welcome. :)
Oh, what great costumes! They look so cute, I was guess Alexa was going to be a princess! What a great idea, going to the zoo and taking the wagon out. I never thought of that when my girls were little. Glad to hear you had a great night, minus the "trick"...that made me laugh out loud! That would have freaked me out too. Nice that your sharing the candy with Matt's co-workers, that's a great idea (I am usually throwing out Halloween candy at Christmas). I agree, it was never the same until you have kids!
Sounds like a fun busy day! I love you little duckling hatching!
Alexa is just too cute!
What fun!
PS I would have done the same thing if somebody did that trick to me!
They have the cutest costumes! The picture of Braden in the nest with eggs is too perfect!
The trick story is hilarious. I probably only think so because it happened to you and not me though. ;)
cute costumes and that trick is really funny! that would have really scared me too!
They were super cute! I am so glad that you guys had fun. The Minnesota Zoo...have never thought of going there on Halloween! Maybe we will need to take Olivia next year.
That picture of Braden sitting on the eggs is the cutest darn thing that I have EVER seen!! Both kids look so adorable. I don't blame you for wanting to kick that kid that was mean to Alexa! I would have done the same thing!
Honestly, those big kids (who trick or treat with minimal costumage-- yup, made up that word) are the worst on Halloween! At least he didn't scare your daughter!
(And to avoid leaving multiple comments in the same 5-minute span, the previous post of your daughter reading to your son is on of the most precious moments... I hope one day my daughter makes as great of a big sister!)
That is too funny about you. LOL Stuff like that freaks me out too. Love their cute costumes. THey are precious. Glad it was so fun for everyone.
ok, honestly, how do you even handle all of the adorableness of those two!? they are so stinkin' cute! that last picture of them holding their buckets is awesome! last year when we took mk out, she acted the exact same way as alexa-SUPER polite! so cute, right? made me proud to know that she knew her manners. :) so glad that you guys had an awesome time! besides, of course, the trick. those darn kids! ;)
oh how cute! love the picts~! we have the same pumpkins, color and all!! I love haloween also we always go all out, now ethan keeps asking me when were going to put up the christmas tree..lol..
The kids are so adorable! They look so happy too. The pumpkin buckets are my all-time favorite candy carrier but I didn't know they were making it in such fun colors!
Alexa...You are the most BEAUTIFUL Butterfly Princess EVER!!!
Braden...There has never ever been a cuter little ducky hatched from those eggs EVER!!!
I'm so glad you had all kinds of fun!!
Love you all and miss you so much...can't wait to get and give lots of hugs and kisses when we get back!!
Are you sure it was just a "little bit" ;-) That pic of your little ducky on the eggs - priceless - perfect photo op.
Glad they both had a fun time :-)
How cute are they??!!?? It looks like ya'll had lots of fun!
Great pics! you have a beautiful family!
And thanks for sharing the trick... that was too funny :)
Lovin' the costumes! Looks like they had fun. SOrry I am one of THOSE people that totally laugh at tricks like that.
Okay, that duck outfit has got to be the cutest thing ever!!!!
um--ax? jumped out of bushes? you must not live in redneck nc. you could potentially get shot for that here.
YAY!! Redheads RULE! My twin babies and I are all reds and my first baby love (niece) is named alexa, so i guess we're kind of the same person . . .
glad you ALL had a blast!
Oh, wow! I love the picture of Braden in the eggs. So cute.
Alexa is a princess. That girl has it all goin'. :)
What happened to you, is why I don't go out on halloween. I think I would have had a heart attack right there. I'm so proud that you only peed a little.
The picture with Braden on the eggs is priceless. I LOVE it!!
Gla dyou guys had a great day!
haha :) That is great!
I love the costumes. They are adorable.
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