Okay, it's not that exciting but here's what how our pumpkins turned out.

The one on the far right was drawn on by Alexa, all by herself.
(Matt helped with the mouth.)

Can you see what it is?

Here are the kids
Mr. Potato Head pumpkins.
A princess for Alexa
A pirate for Braden.

And this is a pumpkin that Alexa made at a local flower shop a couple weeks ago.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. We ended up throwing out all the pumpkin seeds but after reading some comments talking about them I am kind of bummed. I
love salty things! :) Next year we will have to try it out, or maybe this year if I can convince Matt he should carve just one more pumpkin! :)
those are great! Love the Mr Potato head ones. Did you buy a kit for that or just use your Mr Potato head stuff. Alexa did a fabulous job. :)
In am in awe of all this fabulousity!! Very festive..
Sonya, we bought kits from Tagret made for pumpkins, they had a bunch of designs. :)
So that silloute pumpkin is a goldfish cracker, an orange banana, a bike helmet and a pony with a racing stripe?
Ok, ok, upon further review, it is a bat flying under a pair of branches, all framed in by the moon on a spooky Halloween night.
Oh, very nice. Great job. Bummer about the pumpkin seeds. hey, maybe we can see a pic of them lit up? Have a great night.
awwwwwwww how cute!
Great job!!
Those turned out so good. Love the Mr. Potato head ones too. CUTE.
CUTE! man, you guys are good! mk saw these pictures and nearly exploded with excitement! :) i especially love alexa's, she did a great job!
Holy pumpkiness! Does Matt ever complain about carving pumpkins. I so want to do the Mr. Potato head ones. And I want to know what Alexa was trying to make.
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