Packer Jersey - Check

Football Shoes - Check

Game Face On - Check

Waiting for Football Buddy (Daddy) to get Home - Check

Apparently I just couldn't stop it. I now have another crazy Packer football fan on my hands. At least Matt has someone else to watch the games with now! :)
And a cute little fan he is. What a doll! Love that little jersey. Stunt man picked out his Purdue Jersey to wear tomorrow to school.
How CUTE is he! I LOVE THOSE SHOES and the packers!
I love seeing a little man. What a blessing to his daddy (and mommy). I hope your team wins. (And Farve doesn't get hurt too bad.) Have fun doing nails with Alexa. :)
He's adorable!! I can't get enough of seeing kids in their itty bitty jerseys and those shoes are too much. I love them!
so cute...I don't really care about the game either (sorry Packer/Viking fans-living in the midwest I probably shouldn't have typed that. :)). Good thing you have your daughter to hang out with on football days.
SO CUTE!!!! another great post, laura!
Ha, ha! I forgot where you live. I'm guessing the mood at your house was a little different at your house last night after the game than at our house! :)
those shoes are super cute. His football face more looks like a BM face!! At least that is what Lauren looks like sometimes. :)
Look at him stepping up to look out the window for his football buddy - he is a dedicated fan already!
So did Braden cry with Daddy then too last night after the Packers did that "L" thing???
He is just too cute...
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