Alexa has all the sudden decided that she is going to be a little gymnast. She is obsessed with doing somersaults all over the house and she can actually do them very well! Here are a few pictures of her in action....
As you can see nothing can stop her or get in her way....
She's a natural and actually doing more somersaults as I type this. I looked into maybe getting her into gymnastics classes but the youngest age group I could find was 3 years old so we will have to wait until next fall after her birthday.
Here is Braden sitting in his swing watching Alexa, he is happy now that he is off the floor and out of the way.
Here's Braden waiting to eat. The first food we gave him was carrots and he loved them and since he did so well we decided to try a yummy fruit next, so we picked bananas. We haven't decided if he didn't really like them or was just surprised at the taste, but his reaction to them included way more facial expressions then the first time even after having them for a few days. So when we finished off the bananas we went on to peas and once again he loves them, not one weird face. We can only hope he stays so interested in his vegetables!
Alexa started swimming lessons again this weekend after taking the summer and fall off. She LOVES the water, she kept telling me to let her go even though the water was almost up to MY neck. She is still in the Waterbabies class because you have to be 3 to move up to the next level (apparently 3 is a very important age and that's when you get to do all the fun stuff.) So we are still just working on kicking and blowing bubbles and she even wanted to go under the water, twice.
Alexa also goes to Lowe's every other weekend for a kids building workshop. Her and Daddy usually go but he and Braden were stuck at home with no power. So since we were already out for swimming lessons I got to take her for the first time and see how much fun she really has there. It is such a cute thing to do, they have several different things you can build and they get little hammers. I was so surprised and how good Alexa does, she can actually hammer in a nail! I would totally recommend anyone with young kids to check out your local Lowe's if you have one to see if they have this program there. Not only is it fun to just get out and do something but you get to keep what you make and Alexa is always SO proud of herself and shows EVERYONE what she did on the way out of the store. Below are a couple pictures of this weeks masterpiece....a time capsule.
Last but not least here is my wonderful husband working so hard on our closet that we finally finished this weekend. After spending hours in there and taking several unexpected trips back to Lowe's we now have completed the second closet in our room and have more than enough space for all of our clothes. It's so nice to be done with that project and have the huge mound of clothes off the middle of our bedroom floor! Thanks Matt! :)
...and she does those summersults without using her hands!!!
loe to have mydick in her bum
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